- 家事は女性がするものだというジェンダーロールの考えがある
- 長時間労働で家事をする時間もエネルギーもない
- 家事能力が身についていない
In Japan, many people think that men don’t do their fair share of housework. There are a few reasons for this:
- Traditional gender roles: In Japan, it’s often thought that men work outside the home while women take care of the house. This idea makes it less likely for men to help with housework.
- Long working hours: Many people in Japan work very long hours at their jobs, which leaves them with little time or energy to do chores at home.
- Lack of skills: Some men might not have had many chances to learn how to do household chores when they were growing up. This can make them feel unsure about helping out with chores now.
- Social pressure: Some people in Japan might look down on men who do housework, thinking it’s not manly. This can make men not want to help with chores.
- 伝統的な性別役割分担:日本では、男性は外で働き、女性は家庭を守るという考え方が根強く残っています。このため、男性が家事を手伝うことは少ない傾向にあります。
- 長時間労働:日本では長時間労働が一般的で、仕事で疲れてしまい、家事をする時間や気力が残っていない場合が多いです。
- 家事スキル不足:男性の中には、子供の頃から家事を手伝う機会が少なく、家事のスキルが身についていない人もいます。そのため、自信がなく、家事に積極的に参加できないという状況も考えられます。
- 社会的圧力:「家事をする男性は男らしくない」という偏見や批判がまだ存在します。このような社会的圧力も、男性が家事を手伝うことを妨げている要因の一つです。
Things are getting better, though. More families have both parents working, and people are realizing that men and women should share chores. There are more services and programs to encourage men to help out at home. But because traditional ideas are still strong, it might take a while for things to change completely.